Saturday, October 23, 2010


VICTORIA FALLS: A Wonder of the World

CHOBE RIVER: Borders BOTSWANA & ZAMBIA...this river turns into the Zambizi River. On this boat safari we cruise throught hippo pools, elephants crossing the river (bumping into our catamaran), giraffes drinking water + buffalos waiting to pounce on their prey!

Amongst the highest DUNES IN THE WORLD!

Setting up camp a thousand miles away from civilization. LITERALLY, in the middle of NOWHERE! It's amazing how different you see the world, you don't need much to be TRULY HAPPY!

8 million yrs in the desert!

These birds keep adding clusters to their nest until it caves in! They then find a new place to start up another home!

Unfortuntely, this is the reality of Africa. NO Ambulance, NO police at the accident sight, just passengers on a bus (that was involved in the crash) are assisting in cutting through metal to reach the injured passenger. This truck will not move, it's too expensive! The goods will completely disappear in less than a day. We spent a couple hours clearing a path, constructing a new road in order to bypass the truck.

View from S Africa, you can see the Namibian dessert! This river, called the ORANGE RIVER separate Namibia & S Africa. We swam the river, competing to be the first to touch Namibian soil....or should I say sand!

The slums of Capetown. These areas act as communities where there is a common understand that "you steal from others not our community." The power lines running from their lodging are attached to the main power lines that supply power to surrounding areas. They steal the electricity from these power lines but the catch is they must connect to the power lines without getting electricuted. Thousands die a year attempting this.