Monday, June 14, 2010

The Calm before the ....STORM! Attention GARDEN ROUTE: Japan, France & Denmark have landed! Turbulence in the Western Cape will begin shortly!!

ZAKUMI, the 2010 World Cup mascot. And all this time I thought mascots were supposed to be friendly, approachable & lovable. This "lovely leopard" doesn't get our vote, those green eyes are intimidating

Apparently the PLAYERS weren't the only ones having difficultly controlling this ball...
Brian appears "in control" of the situation until he has contact with the ball. This ball looked like it was flying towards SPAIN, Brian the net is only 5 feet away! Unfortunately, at only 50km/hr, Brian's Football career ended as fast as it began. Sorry Brian.

The JABULANI. Every FIFA WORLD CUP a new FOOTBALL is specifically designed, making it unique to the country & year of the event. Hearing directly from teams, the ball isn't fit for long passes & goal keepers find it difficult to follow the ball movements. "It's very unpredictable"

Oh JAPAN, Come back anytime. We loved your low maintenance profile. It's rare to feel appreciated....THANK YOU!

3 TEAM BASECAMPS were located in the WESTERN CAPE with FRANCE leading the ways for title of "MOST TROUBLESOME!"

Famous for the KNYSNA HEADS, the 2 mountains that break up this gorge create this desirable spectacle.

GARDEN ROUTE........the drive from Capetown to Knysna is VERY dangerous indeed, but it you can look past that it'll take your breathe away!

How many days until the World Cup begins? Difficult to keep track when every COUNT DOWN board across the Western Cape displays a different number of days. I get it, S Africans like to keep things interesting!

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